cxdebatelg.gif (18874 bytes) Judging Paradigms
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A paradigm is a term used to describe what judge's look for in debaters and on what basis the make a decision when they judge a debate round. Occasionally, a judge will give his paradigms before the round begins or a debater may ask him if he has any preferences; but, generally the debater will not know. A debater must be aware of and cover a wide range of concepts in order to win consistently. Because every round is important, you cannot afford to lose to a Hypothesis Tester even though you may only encounter this type of judge 1 out of every 20 rounds. Judging stances include:

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Several paradigms contradict one another, i.e. inherency is vital to a Hypothesis Tester but is much less important to the Policy Maker, rapid fire is unacceptable to a Skills judge but expected by a Gaming judge. A debater must develop flexibility and adjust their style and presentation according to the judge.

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